Through my elementary, middle, and high school years I was a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts of course are known for their famous cookies. Some of the classic cookie flavors are Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoil, Tagalongs, and Do-Si-Dos. Although the cookies are pretty famous they have in the past few years ventured into quite a few co-branding agreements. All of the photos are some of the ones I have personally seen (and some I've personally tried).
I find it interesting when something so iconic can venture into new sectors. The cookie sales aren't ass great as they used to be due to more health conscious consumers, increased prices, and the lack of Girl Scouts. I was one of four Girl Scouts in my high school, that's it.
As you can see from the photos, the iconic cookie flavors have spread to everything from milk flavorings to candy bars! I consider many of these to be a little too far fetched for me, but someone must have purchased them.
Co-branding is such a good idea for companies that may have a little bit of a struggling time. For example, cookie season is only February through April when I sold them. This leaves a whole year with no cookies to sell. Troops had different types of fundraisers for the rest of the year, but the cookies could've been so much more. That's why I think they rolled out with all of these co-branding ideas over the year. It makes people remember the nostalgic feeling of eating a Girl Scout cookie and if it's not in season, then they can still get their fix.
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